Parents and Guardians
CDH supports parents and guardians.
Interested in attending a parent support group?
Catch My Breath
CATCH My Breath is currently the only evidence-based youth vaping nicotine prevention program for grades 5th-12th offered in the U.S, with nearly every state adopting the program. It has proven its effectiveness at reducing students’ likelihood of vaping by equipping students with the skills needed to resist peer-pressure and marketing influence by big-tobacco companies.
In fact, program statistics show that 8% of 7th graders will try e-cigarettes if no intervention is implemented, but with CATCH My Breath as an intervention, that number is reduced to 4%.
Parent Tool Kit
Vaping Prevention Guide for Parents of School-Age Children
(Kindergarten-4th grade)
Other Parent Resources
Parents Against Vaping E-Cigarettes
Follow the link to learn more about how you as a parent can get involved in the fight against youth vaping and get updates on the latest news across the U.S.
Parents Against Vaping E-cigarettes
Idaho Drug Free Youth
With an annual Idaho Youth Summit summer camp, school chapter programs, assembly presentations, and a social media based campaign, IDFY has led a teen revolution with 75k past student members, 5k students positively impacted annually, and 68 middle and high school chapters across the state! Follow the link to learn more about each program.
My Life My Quit
My Life My Quit is a free and confidential text hotline that has supported thousands of teens who decided to ditch their use of nicotine products and gain their life back. By chatting with a live coach, teens have unwavering support through every step of their quitting journey.
For more information on the program and how to help your teen enroll in the MLMQ program, follow the link.